I'm Sorry "Senpai"

 Please Forgive Me Text. Forgiveness, With Rose Flowers In A Circle ...
First of all I want to say that what happened in the past caused a lot of misunderstanding between you and me ... And I've also done one big lie on you ... Maybe this writing doesn't mean anything to you, but I always think about it and feel compelled to apologize to you ... Actually when I said you were my first love that wasn't true at all ... At that time, I was very heartbroken because someone and I loved that person for 7 years ... But my love is unrequited ... I didn't mean to make a defense ... but everything went so suddenly ... I don't even understand the reason I'm doing it ... first met you at a campus event .. At that time my eyes always looked at you .. I don't know the reason ... I'm interested in getting to know you ... At that time I made a promise to myself ... If I can meet you again 3 times ... then I hope you will be my soul mate .. I really said that to myself ... I don't know the reason ... Maybe it's because I'm playing around or whatever ... I still don't understand ... Two years later, something unexpected happened ... The thing that makes me know you ... I was very happy at that time ... You are so friendly .. I'm also honest with you that I like you ... and I say it without thinking about it ... Because it feels so good ... I know what your favorite band is, what your hobbies are ... and the activities you do ... For the first time I am close to a man .. I approach you .. and do a lot of silly things .. You know when my cellphone broke ... I entered the race and tried to win it .. So I can immediately buy a new cellphone .. That's all I did so that I wouldn't lose contact with you ... I was really happy at that time .. For a moment you made me forget my love for someone else 
... Time goes on .. And I began to realize a number of things .. You know, I've never been close to anyone before ... I'm confused and feel lost myself .. I like not being myself .. And I began to be disturbed by my attitude that always smiles in the office alone to think of you .. I'm afraid to fall in love with you ... I'm afraid that the sentence I said without feeling could come true .. I'm getting scared .. and avoiding you .. I started to move away from you .. slowly left without saying anything .. When I stepped away ... I realized my own feelings ... That man has always been special to me ... He's like a high wall that is hard to break ... I loved him for 7 years ... but I've let him go now ... I even made 9 notes for him ... Maybe I do not love you ..
But if I want someone to open my heart ... I hope it is you ... Sorry for lying saying I liked you from the start .. I feel guilty for that ... I want to apologize properly ... But I'm not brave enough ... So I wrote this article ... All the things I did to you ... Like songs and other forms of attention ... That does not mean anything .. I just feel too happy .. Because for the first time being close to a man ... I'm sorry for making a big misunderstanding ... Forgive me.. But I also want to ask you ... When I stepped away. Why did you come again? If you don't come ... then it won't bother me ... Honestly it really disturbs my mind .. I do not know.. I'm relieved now .. Finally I can say it ... You don't need to reply to any message from my writing ... You can leave now ... I am sorry .. Not because I hate you ... But that man made my heart hurt so much ... So I have lost my definition of love ... Maybe I say that I like you is a lie .. But I very confidently say "if someone opens my heart, I hope it's you" But everything has passed .. No problem... I hope you can get the best woman in your life ... I wish you the best ... Once again, I'm sorry Ha ha ha.. I'm relieved now ..
But if now you want to know about my feeling for you.. 
You can ask me directly...😂
I'll answer you .. 
My senior in college 💕


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